Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Zindagi Part II

A "normal" day at office left me gasping for breath yesterday, and i logged on to my favourite pass time when i came back home. You-tubing! yea this is one thing that keeps me going sometimes. I randomly search and play videos of great sports persons, orators, singers and others. So like always, while glancing through some videos, i stumbled upon this beautiful piece! Take a look and i'm sure u'll be transported back in time...atleast I WAS! back then when i saw the movie , the scene did not really get to me maybe coz i was still honeymooning in college, or maybe i was too lively to understand the melancholy associated with it. But now 3 years hence, i coherse with every bit of it thats spoken!! I know i'm sounding like a nut whoz lived off his entire life or a big time pessimist, but hey arent we allowed to FEEL sometimes too??? Or is it that the "PACE" of life today has repudiated our right to be sensitive and respond to the conscience? How long has it been since we have learnt to take a look at our selfs and FIND ourselves ? I cant but agree to every line that aamir utters in the video. havent we all experienced the same conflicts within us at some point in time?

Havent we discovered the erosion or atleast gradual decline of the child-like enthusiasm , the ever powering will and the never say die spirit we had? Not that we are dead woods now, but havent we all undergone the so called "METAMORPHOSIS" from uncanny to calculated, from selfless to "prudent" , from being content to being "KOOL!",all of us (or atleast most of us) have dilapidated the innocence and the fun in our lives. Dont take me for a society basher and No. i'm not trying to lambaste any of the people out there for turning that way. All i'm trying to understand the incredible power of the society we live in. Its bemusing to even imagine how a happy-go-lucky college goer transforms into an extreme "Professional". One who strives hard enough to be successful - not just by elevating himself/herself but if needed mersilessly crushing peers and pals. Ah...the inflated price of success!

The once sparkle eyed boy/girl with aims and aspirations so high that even sky had no choice but to let them pass it, have grown into "Gentle"men and Ladies who've happily forgone their self and settled for the somber cubicles as their kingdoms! The generous laughs and effervescent banter have matured into more "Meaningful" conversations and calculated Humor! Hail the "cultured" masses! No, not that i hate being "Rozgaar", but still i wonder how life would have been if barter system still existed!!!!! would we still traded our soul and life for a living??

How has the selfless helping nature and unconditional acceptance "reformed" into transactions of "what-for-me" and "what-for-that" attitude?? so shrewd to make even the best of businessmen jealous! or are we just following the framework laid down by our own fellow beings by the name "Society". (beh ohh..apni akkal ko kya ghaas charne bheja hai!!)

Well therz so much to ramble about and scream out, but then there are some things better left unsaid . We may cry and crib about how life has changed . How we've lost the joy and purity. How the great happiness has faded into oblivion , how we've turned into machines with surprising ease.... In the end we need to realize this is life post-interval..... My friends and fellow beings Welcome to "ZINDAGI PART II"

Tim Lak Lak Te Tim LAK LAK!! l

P.S : For those wondering whether this ramble is a result of insane mind or anything else, let me clarify, well its a result of both experinces by self and others...

more ramblings later!


gayathri vishwanathan said...

oh man, I just loved that scene. So true I miss my college days now...But everyone is expected to loose that innocence, that joyous and outgoing nature to fit into the environment called 'Workplace'. We are expected to be shrewd, manipulative, calculative. We become machines. But then everyone goes through this zindagi-2 someway or the other.

raMmY said...

thanks for dropping by the blog :). Yes, damn right. We are expected to loose the innocence and turn "professional" here in the world. The whole point is WHY ! Wouldnt it be so better if ppl be the way dey are? Would all this mis understandings and miss-communications disappear. And wouldnt the place be more healthier and happier??

Just a thought that went past by me!

Sujata said...

rambling of a confused soul...swinging back and forth! I like that!

Sujata said...

Time for a new post!

raMmY said...

@ sujata, yup buddy.. on the way.. My ass was on fire since the last couple of weeks at office so couldnt find time ... the new one is right on the way!
